Reader’s Choice: Most Read Books of March 2015
/The results are in!
Spurred on by Women’s History Month, Helen Keller: My Soul’s Birthday has taken the top spot as our most read book this month. Coming in a respectable second—and oh, let me tell you, it was close call!—was Do Video Games Harm or Help Us? No surprise, our third spot was rightfully claimed by the ever-fierce competitor, Cesar Chavez: Fighting Injustice.
Two of our most popular books this month fall under our biography category, and for good reason! Life-writing is an interesting subject for most students, because unlike some other genres, it is deeply personal, and easily relatable. Also, because biographies contain elements of history, students not only gain a more complicated understanding of the subject, but also of the time and place where the subject lived. All you teachers out there, don’t miss out on this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!
Don’t forget to check out other biographies! Some of my favorites include Martin Luther King, Jr.: Fearless Justice, Albert Einstein: The Game Changer of Science, and Frederick Douglass’ My Escape From Slavery.
Let us know what you think, and let’s see what book comes out on top next month, we’ll let you decide!